Intersections - COMING SOON!
Depending on who’s iPhone you believe, Katie led the dog and me on a 5.9 or 4.2 mile walk yesterday. We talked along the way about this book. She’s my beta reader and always gives me great advice. When I was struggling with the structure, she suggested I just allow the story to flow, more like a beautiful jellyfish than an invertebrate with a rigid spine.
I told her on the walk that now that it was entering the final stages of revision (the never-ending process), I was looking for a way to pitch it. Adventure? Travel? Motorcycles? Cancer? Family trauma? What are the closest comps? Why am I having so much trouble with this?
She simply said, “It’s a love story.”
I was dumbstruck and walked for about a mile just saying to myself, “Holy shit. It’s a love story. I wrote a love story?”
Intersections is all that and more, and maybe not being able to come up with a set of close comparable titles is okay. Won’t help me pitch it or sell it, but it is a great story. A true story that reads like fiction. And yes, at the heart of it all is love, not just my love for Katie, but learning to love and appreciate myself and my destiny.