Biker Joe is who I am. These essays are personal musings on life, death, love, and leaving a legacy, some travel, and skiing in the winter because brrrr but also, Santa Fe, NM! (We live at the base of a world-class ski resort but also we can ride motorcycles almost year round!)

Intersections - COMING SOON!
Intersections is a true story that reads like fiction. At the heart of it all is love, not just my love for another person, but learning to love and appreciate one’s self and one’s destiny.

The Writing Life
An interview with Santa Fe author Joe Cooke on the writing life, the creative process, and the nuts and bolts of transforming ideas to finished products.

Breaking the top 50
I’ve been writing novels seriously since the turn of the century (that sounds so weird) and my lifelong dream is to hit the New York Times best-seller list. As I close in on that dream, I want to record the journey here for the benefit of any who might be on various stages of a similar journey. My coach and mentor reminds me to reach back and lend a hand to those who follow, so that is what I am hoping to do here.

Getting Close to Getting an AGENT
I got my third request for a full manuscript last week.
That morning I drew the “You Are the Oracle” card from a deck by author Rebecca Campbell. My question was, What can I do right now to achieve my dream of becoming a best-selling author?