Katie and I often say, “We arranged our lives to be this way.” It’s obviously an oversimplification of how the Universe works, but it does remind us that we have control of certain aspects of our lives, and it prompts us to accept personal responsibility for that much of our current situation that we created based on our decisions.

More than just taking personal responsibility though, THE ARRANGEMENT addresses the aspects of our lives that we control that lead us to MEANINGFUL PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT.

Any meaningful personal accomplishment depends on five crucial mindsets:

Forward-Facing | Mission-Driven | Process-Focused | Solutions-Oriented | Allow-Accept-Appreciate

This series of blog posts explores each of the critical elements of MEANINGFUL PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT.


The Crowding-Out Effect

The Crowding-Out Effect

In Katie’s coaching business, she uses the visual of a big rubber band, stretched between your hands, with the right hand being your big goals and your left hand being current circumstances. It’s hard to hold that tension, Eventually, you have to either let go of your current situation and move toward your goals, or let go of your goals. She asks: How committed are you? Can you endure the pressure of holding onto your goals until reality catches up to them?

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